Refrigeration systems

                                              Lab 5

                                              LAB5 is a climatic chamber built specifically for necessary energy efficiency tests for verifying compliance with the ECODESIGN regulation and the declaration of energy class relating to domestic and professional refrigeration systems and for display and sales. The chamber is equipped with a horizontal laminar flow ventilation system that guarantees an air speed between 0.1 and 0.2 m/s at every point and temperature and stability control that guarantees chamber stability of +/- 0.2°C and +/- 0.3% relative humidity. In particular, tests can be performed in compliance with the following standards:

                                              • EN ISO 23953-2: Refrigerated cabinets to display and sell foodstuffs
                                              • EN 16825 / EN ISO 22041: Refrigerated storage cabinets and counters for professional use
                                              • EN17032 / EN ISO 22042: Blast chillers and freezers cabinets for professional use
                                              • EN 62552 1-2-3: Household refrigerating appliances
                                              • EN 16901 / EN ISO 22043: Ice-cream freezers
                                              • EN 16902 / EN ISO 22044: Commercial beverage coolers
                                              • EN 50597 / EN IEC 63252: Energy consumption for vending machines